Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Thoughts....

We have had a great Easter and I have some many things I want to blog about.

Tonight we had such a great time! We had three families in our ward over for Easter dinner. It was so fun! Our ward is great and we have so many fun people to hangout with. (However, due to Ryan's schedule we only have a hand full of chances to have people over.) We have about 16 months left until Ryan is done and it is going to be bitter sweet when we leave. I would love to call Michigan home... if our family where here:(

P.S. Sorry the picture is so bad but it caught our night perfectly. After a great sit down dinner we laughed and laughed and laughed! Thanks, we had a great time:)

This January...I decided I was going to make Joni and Aubry Easter dresses. Joni chose the color of Easter Egg Blue and I was kid of worried. The dresses turned out cute and they both love them. Aubry pointed to her dress this morning and said, "Dress, Dress." Once I put it on her she ran to the oven to look at herself in the reflection. I love to make the girls dresses but they are a lot of work and time, and that I don't have. However, I just finished the final touches this morning but I am already itching to start some cute summer ones . Below are some pictures I took of the girls at 10:00 tonight after our party was basically I am saying excuse the and sleepy girls.

I am so thankful for this wonderful time of year that we can focus on Jesus Christ. His life, his ministry, his example, and his Resurrection. We sang the song "He Lives" in sacrament today and it was such a great testament to me that Jesus is alive and loves me. I am so thankful for eternal families and that I have an eternal family. Being in Utah the last couple weeks made me realize how much I love my sisters, parents, in-laws, cousins, grandparents, nieces and nephews. I have so much fun with them am so thankful that I will be with them forever!

Happy Easter!


Chellie said...

Very cute! You have really good taste because that looks like the dress I made Scarlet, except it didn't have sleeves (but it's also 87 degrees here right now).

Tell Ryan that the PHX area is his only option and that he can not look for jobs anywhere else. I need you here. :)

Julie Barb said...

Jenni...I LOVE the dresses! I can't believe you made those!!! They were so cute today at church...You are amazing and the girls are darling!

Chellie said...

oh yeah, Scarlet's green and purple dress was a Target special... the one I'm talking about is pink :) It is long and full and looks similar to the ones you made... I just didn't want you to think I was comparing these beautiful dresses to Scarlet's little purple and green sundress! :)

Lavon said...

Your girls are adorable - sorry we kept hanging around keeping them up so late. (A sure sign of a Great Party though!) The food was delicious! Next time - break out the Rock Band - I want in on that fun!

Stephanie said...

Those dresses are beautiful!