Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My $1600 Mistake!

We went to Playa Del Carmen with Ryan’s sister and brother in Law…Joni and Layne. We were planning on leaving Saturday morning at 5:30. I was Utah dropping off Joni and Aubry and Ryan was in Detroit and was just going to meet us in Mexico. I was typing Joni and Aubry’s instruction Booklet when Ryan called and the problems began. He was at the post office stopping our mail when he saw the big sign….PASS PORT! He as pretty sure I hadn't thought to take mine. He called me right away and of course I hadn't! When Ryan was driving me to the airport I kept saying, " I know I am forgetting something." Even when I was visiting my sister in Salt Lake I told her I knew I had forgot something. We could not overnight it because it was about 2:30 PM and our flight left at 8:30 AM. Ryan got online and read that you could use a birth certificate still. We were surprised but I called SLC and tired to figure out how I could get my birth certificate. The lady at the Vital Records office said if my littler sister could come to there office with 15.00 and her driver’s license she could pick up my birth certificate for me. I called and Tiffany, my little sister, and she was in Logan not SLC. So we tired to think of anyone we could call who could go get my birth certificate. Ryan’s Mom has a brother that is like 75 that lives in SLC…Uncle Ken. We had to give it a try. She called him and he said he would go over right now. So I called the Vitals Records Office back and told them my Uncle who was in his 70’s would be coming to get my birth certificate. They said, “We’ll he has to have a copy of your drivers license and a letter of consent.” I was like “WHAT!” I told them I had just called an hour ago and they said all I needed was 15.00 and a driver’s license. She explained that because he is not immediate family he has to have the other two things. I was about to pass out! She then told me I could fax them to her and they would have him wait until they got the fax. It was 4:00 and the office was closing at 4:15 so I had to speed into the Service Drug in Delta and get the stuff faxed. I called to make sure they got it and they said yes! They also told me that he has my birth certificate in hand. I was so excited and relieve that I was going to be able to go. That night around 8:00 Joni (Ryan's sister) decided we should go up that night, get the birth certificate, and then stay in a hotel just to make sure we got everything. Well, I decided to call Frontier Airlines and double check on our departure time because they had changed it twice. So, while I was on the phone I decided to also ask if it was okay to use a birth certificate...Well, big surprise IT WASN'T! They said they didn’t know where my husband had read online it was okay to use a birth certificate but that was not the case. They said I could not get on the airplane without my pass port! I was so devastated. I called Ryan and told him and he was so mad at the Internet sight! Just then Joni and Layne walked in the door and were ready to head for SLC. I told them what happened and they were like... SERIOUSLY! I decided I would fly to Fort Lauderdale and meet Ryan on his lay over then book a second ticket from FLL to CUN once I got my passport. His layover was 1:30 - 2:30 but I could not find one flight out of SLC that got me to FLL before 2:30…after his plane would have already left. So I tried just Delta’s regular web site and they HAD ONE that left at 6:30 and got to FLL at 12:00. I was so excited! We said good bye which was hard to leave the girls but all the pass port stress made it easier. Anyway, we were about five minutes from the hotel in SLC and I wanted to double check the time of my flight. I looked at the paper and I had book the ticket from FREAK’IN DETROIT. I think I am so use to booking from DTW I just typed in DTW instead of SLC. Once I found out I didn’t even say anything I just thought I can’t believe all these bad things are happening to me. Maybe I am not supposed to go. Once we got to the hotel Joni and I went to checked into the hotel but I went straight to the computers and started to look for other options. Then Joni came over and said "What’s wrong?" I told her and she was like, "SERIOUSLY." (For the second time in 2 hours.) I think I was about laughing at this point because I could not believe the last 10 hours. Well, I looked for a fight from SLC to get me to DTW by 8:00 when Ryan was leaving and I could just travel with him but nothing…well their was one but it was taking off right as we found it. Layne carried all the bags in and Joni and I just kept looking for some way out of this mess. I called Ryan and he was so nice. I think almost any husband would have been so mad and said…WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING! He didn't say anything rude he just said…so what are you going to do. I told him I would call him back when I got a plan. I called FLL security and asked if my husband could leave my pass port with them for one hour until I could come pick it up and they said NO! I was totally out of options when Joni found a flight for Ryan to fly to SLC and then we could fly to CUN together on a 12:00 flight. We would not get there until 8:3o and the tickets were going to cost us 1600.00! Ryan would have to be to the airport in 1 hour. I called him and told him the new and only option…. and what it was going to cost addition to all the other mistakes I had made and our trip. I asked him if it was worth it…he thought for about 10 seconds and then said yes. He hustled to the airport and Joni and I booked the new tickets. At this point we were so tired and so relieved it was solved we got the giggles. I called frontier to book our new flights and was laughing so hard I could not talk. The man said, “I am sorry are you crying?” I told him I was laughing and then he thought I was drunk…or on something. After I got them booked he gave the confirmation number and I was trying to read it back to him and every time I would say a letter I would crack up! I thought he was going to get mad but luckily he was nice. I was like, “H and is Harry HAAAAA BLAAAAAAAA.” Joni was standing up trying to walk to the bathroom without peeing her pants laugh her head off too. After we got everything booked and went back to the room but I could not sleep. I think I got about 2 hours. After Joni and Layne left for the airport I had about three hours before I had to meet Ryan at the airport. So I got on the phone and called all the other airlines and luckily they all gave me a credit which was so nice. We have over 2000.00 in airline tickets to use…four in my name and one in Ryan's! Yep, forgetting my pass port was a very very very expensive mistake. When I got to the airport and saw Ryan... and my pass port I almost cried. It was the most stressful and expensive 16 hours of my life.

Check out my blood shoot eyes! I am going to get a pocket sewn in to my left butt cheek for my pass port so I will never forget it again.


Jean Smith said...

oh my GOSH...are you KIDDING ME???!?!? i am dying here! i can't believe this happened...that is AWFUL! jenni...after your last three plane experiences (poop, delayed flight, and now this), i just think you should take a boat or something...air transport is not your thing...

Heather said...

Oh my holiness! Wow, what a pain! the good news is that this is no big deal compared to residency eh? It looks like it was all worth it. I'm sooo jealous! I'm glad you could share it with family - it's so much fun to vacation with fun people!

So when are we going to go???

Sisters staying connected... said...

That is the funniest story I have heard in a LONG time! You are crazy girl!...alison

Kirstynn Evans said...

Ok, I had to read this to Joel. When we were going to my grandfathers funeral, I forgot the handouts. So I had to overnight our house key to my aunt so she could stop by to pick them up. Well to overnite the key, it was like $80.00, and Joel about choked! So this made me feel a little better. Seriously, the best I have heard in a LONG time!

Nan said...

I can't believe it all worked out! You are crazy. I'm so glad you guys had fun. Way to keep at it until the end!

Chellie said...

wow! You'll never live that one down. Lesson learned!?